Posts tagged ‘comics’

Oh, Snap!: Art Wall

No time for a full entry! Look at this pretty picture!

From left to right: an Epic comic still in progress, the first Epic comic I ever drew, the Rejuvelac comic, two drawings illustrating my feelings during my initial stint on Station 2.

I doodle a lot. So much, in fact, that I created an art wall of staff caricatures by the locker room. Then I was told that Corporate wanted me to take it down. So I did. I still don’t really know who “Corporate” consists of, but if Nameless Higher-Ups tell you to do something via your awesome manager (Liz), then you should probably heed the warning.

Not that it’s stopped me from drawing and pinning art to the wall again. Can’t keep a doodler down, yo!

Oh, Snap!: Rejuvelac

No time for a full entry! Look at this pretty picture!

At the French Market, there’s a shop that sells raw vegan food. Ryan brought in some drink called Rejuvelac for Ruth a couple of days ago that she didn’t drink, which I found when I worked Station 2 last night.
The label says it’s made from sprouted wheatberries and purified water and costs $3.99.
Armanzo tried it and said it tasted like “bile”. Foodrunner AJ said it tasted like “armpit sweat” (EWWWWW). I’m much kinder and I said it tasted like “unsweetened, slightly sour soymilk”.

Whatever the description, it did not taste good. Even when we found out that–oops!–you’re not supposed to shake the bottle.

I drew a comic to illustrate how it tasted.


Going on a tangent, I came into work today and found out that Elliot had stopped in for a second. Huh!? Commander Green, no fair! I wanted to say hi to you! Or at least jokingly demand a souvenir! Apparently he came in for his paycheck (hmph) and he’s leaving for London tomorrow. Bon voyage, Elliot…. Bring me back something from your European jaunt, dammit!

Oh, Snap!: Epic Comics

No time for a full entry! Look at this pretty picture!

Whenever there’s a menu change or when menus get worn or dirty, our hostess will print up new ones and dispose of the old. Usually I’d claim them and use them for kindling when I was on 1, but lately, I thought it would be great to draw a comic on them. Not only are they huge pieces of paper, they have great weight so I don’t worry so much about Sharpies bleeding through.

And so I created “Epic Adventures! (Of A Line Cook Wannabe)”… which are essentially slice-of-life comics on menu paper. So far I’ve written three of them, though the only one I bothered to take a picture of was the one I did on Superbowl Sunday. I should take a picture of the Epic Adventure I drew about Valentine’s Day, though. Coworkers especially liked that one. I haven’t drawn any more lately but it’s only because a good opportunity hasn’t presented itself to immortalized into a punchline….

Talk To The Hand

I’ve been having a little trouble getting to work on time lately. How lame is it that I have to leave my house at 2:40pm in order to arrive at work at 4pm on the dot? I kid you not. Even with my catching the express train, when I’m at the Clark/Lake station, there’s like 2 brown line trains to every green line, and even when both trains are due, the green line always seems to defer to the brown line. Come on, people, I have to get to work. Even when I want to come in just a tad early (like 15 minutes! That’s not asking for much, right?) it doesn’t seem to be possible. Sigh.

That said, I came to work on time today which is so sad because I used to come in so early when I was a prep cook ;_; Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I was on station 3 tonight, Elliot on 2, Katie on 1. Fun times! It started out a little mellow, and then got a little busier just when I was about to pick some duck meat. Two ladies got seated at the chef’s table (sigh) but it was just as well because they ordered a salad and some mussels and then I didn’t have to anything with them afterward and because they were sitting there, no one else could sit there either. Win-win? Also, apparently one of the women had something to do with media or something. Either in the way for some film-making gig, and long story short (with chunks of facts missing because I got this third-hand from Katie tonight… I know, I’d make a TERRIBLE journalist), apparently Elliot got scouted as some sort of HAND MODEL?! And apparently Elliot has really good-looking hands?! (I’m gonna have to take a good look at his hands the next time I see him.)

I have to admit I’m not surprised. Elliot’s kind of a really good-looking guy. He wears clothes like he casually walked off a shoot for Gap clothing. But that’s not to say I won’t rib him to shit about this hand modeling thing mwahahaha… *evil chortle* … I mean, until I hear the whole story. But still… heehee!

I want to post about other recent happenings, such as the Superbowl, new comics, how I burned my neck (so stupid), how my knife broke (so stupid), and a zillion other things, but I have to open tomorrow; little updates will have to wait for another time. I know: LAME!